池谷 裕二
東京大学 教授

1989年東京大学理科一類入学.1998年に東京大学大学院薬学系研究科で博士号を取得し,コロンビア大学客員研究員を経て2014年より現職.脳の可塑性・脳の潜在的な能力の大きさを研究テーマとし,サイエンス,ネイチャー姉妹誌,米国科学アカデミー紀要ほか多くの学術誌で論文が掲載されている.文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞,日本学術振興会賞,日本学士院学術奨励賞などを受賞.『進化しすぎた脳』『海馬 脳は疲れない』など一般向けの著書多数.
Creative a Conceptual Design Thinking with three Design disciplines: Product, Interaction, and Service
Chien-Hsu Chen
National Cheng Kung University

Chien-Hsu Chen received the B.S. degree in industrial design from the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, in 1987, and the master and Ph.D. degrees in computer & information science from Syracuse University, USA, industrial engineering from University of Texas at Arlington, USA, in 1992 and 1996, respectively. In 1996, he joined the Department of Industrial Design, Chang Kung University, as a Lecturer, and in 1997 became an assistant professor at Craft & Design Department of National Taiwan University of Arts. Since August 1998, he has been with the Department of Industrial Design, NCKU, where he was an assistant Professor, became an associate Professor in 2004, and a Professor in 2014. His research interests include ergonomics and interaction design, augmented reality application. He is a Life Member of the Ergonomic Society of Taiwan (EST), and the Taiwan Institute of Kansei (TIK). He was the Chairman of Industrial Design department at National Cheng Kung University from 2010 to 2013. From February 2015 to July2016, he was the business dept. deputy of Research and Services Headquarters(RSH) at NCKU in Taiwan. On August 2016, he has in sabbatical leave for one year and he is the visiting researcher of Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology at University of Tokyo in Japan. Since August 2017, he is the Director general of Technology Transfer & Business Incubation Center(TTBIC) at NCKU in Taiwan.
How Niantic AR Unites People and Reality
川島 優志
Niantic, Inc. アジア統括本部長 エグゼクティブプロデューサー

2013年,Googleの社内スタートアップとして発足したNiantic Labsの UX/Visual Designerとして参画,『Ingress』のビジュアル及びユーザーエクスペリエンスデザインを担当.2015年10月にNiantic, Inc. の設立と同時に,アジア統括本部長に就任.『ポケモンGO』では,開発プロジェクトの立ち上げを担当.