HOME > プログラム > 歩行感覚表現のための足底皮膚感覚の生成手法に関する研究



歩行感覚表現のための足底皮膚感覚の生成手法に関する研究 (The technique generate representing walking sensation with presenting skin irritancy at a sole)


The paper aims at generating the self-motion perception with device which presents skin irritancy is
used for a sole. There are two stimulus patterns as approach for solving the technique. The first pattern is
based on floor reaction force. The second pattern is based on emphasis of its grounding timing of each part.
Wave profile, presented interval of each part and vibration frequency enables expression of sole feeling. It
turned out that the difference in the form of the ground or the contact state of a sole is expressed by change of


田中 遼 (首都大学東京大学院) , 池井 寧 (首都大学東京大学院) , 阿部 浩二 (首都大学東京大学院) , 広田 光一 (東京大学大学院) , 雨宮 智浩 (NTT)