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Presenting augmented force on a pen-type interface by multipoint skin stimuli


Presenting augmented force on a pen-type interface by multipoint skin stimuli (Presenting augmented force on a pen-type interface by multipoint skin stimuli)


This paper reports a preliminary study of using multi-point suction pressure stimuli for presenting augmented force on a pen-type interface. It demonstrates an early attempt of using suction pressure stimuli for enhancing perceived force on a tool. In this study, we used several springs each differs in stiffness to provide reaction force on the pen interface. Using this interface, a human subject was requested to estimate the magnitude of stiffness of each spring. Suction pressure was applied at the contact area of the interface during stiffness exploration. The amount of pressure applied on the skin increases in proportion to the reaction force. We established the experimental conditions by controlling the amount of applied pressure. This is accomplished by setting the gain of the system. We found that the perceived stiffness appears to increase in proportion to the gain of the system. This preliminary result seems to suggest that it is feasible to augment stiffness perception using multi-point skin stimuli.


ポルキス ロペ・ベン (東北大学東北大学大学院 情報科学研究科) , 前森 大貴 (東北大学東北大学大学院 情報科学研究科) , 永谷 直久 (東北大学東北大学大学院 情報科学研究科) , 昆陽 雅司 (東北大学東北大学大学院 情報科学研究科) , 田所 諭 (東北大学東北大学大学院 情報科学研究科)